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September is the New January

Do you feel that way? Somehow September and back to school time, make it feel like a new year to me. Summer vacation is over and now it’s time to get serious. But what to get serious about?

Maybe it’s a fitness goal. Personally, I’ve been working diligently on the Skinny Jeans Diet with VentureMom nutritionist Jacqui Justice and it’s working. I’ve lost more than five pounds; now I just have to keep it off. I’m trying to get to the gym to do weight training at least once a week and to spin class once a week. Then there’s the diet – healthy eating plan, I’m supposed to call it.





Maybe you’d like a better looking complexion. I’ve been using VentureMom Becky Robinson’s Just Amazing Skin care, JAS, Brightening Cream. I am seeing some of the dark spots and blotches that popped up over the summer fade. And the JAS Restorative Hydrating Cream is helping with some of the fine lines everyone keeps talking about.









Maybe your back to school goal centers around your wardrobe. It’s time to retire the white jeans…NOOOOO….. and pull out the sweaters. I’ve reached out to VentureMom Maria Turkel to get her over for her hour and half closet clean out. (She’s offering a special deal to VentureMom followers.)  That’s exactly what I need as the temperatures drop and I can’t find anything to wear.

When I was young, I remember my mom taking me to the Buster Brown Shoe Store every September to get new saddle oxfords. Can I work those into my wardrobe?

What are you favorite back to school memories? And what are your working on this back to school season?

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